Intercede to demonstrate secure identity solutions at CESG Secure by Default event
Intercede is among a carefully-selected group of companies chosen to exhibit cyber security solutions for the attendees of CESG’s Secure by Default event in London on May 13.
The “secure by default” concept described by CESG in May 2012 includes guidance for secure device identity and secure credential storage. Intercede’s MyID identity and credential management system provides virtual smart cards for Windows devices and Windows Phone 8.1, machine certificates for secure device identity and also allows a smartphone to be used as a smart card replacement. These capabilities will be demonstrated live to show participants the kind of solutions that organisations can put in place to comply with government guidance on best practice.
Intercede’s Product Director, Allen Storey, commented: “Everyone knows that passwords aren’t a very secure form of authentication. They get forgotten, lost and hacked with alarming frequency; you only have to look to the amount of data breaches reported by the media recently to see that this is a big issue. What is needed is to be able to trust that the people and machines accessing services, facilities, information and networks are who or what they claim to be, and that they have permission to do so.”
“Credentials stored on a secure element, such as a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or Trusted Execution Element (TEE), are protected and cannot be exported or copied. They provide strong two-factor authentication to ensure security whilst being convenient for the user. For example, MyID can enable smartphones to be used for secure logon to networks and entry to restricted buildings, which allows organisations to enforce their corporate security policy while offering a simple solution to employees.”
About Intercede
Intercede is a software company specializing in identity and credential management with a global team of experts located in the
US and UK.
Intercede’s MyID software enables organizations to create and use trusted digital identities for employees, citizens and machines. This allows secure access to services, facilities, information and networks.
MyID meets the highest government standards yet is simple enough to be deployed onto consumer devices such as smart phones and tablets. Critically, MyID provides an easy, convenient and secure alternative to passwords.
Millions of identities are managed using MyID and Intercede has provided identity verification and management services to global customers for more than 20 years. MyID is a commercial off the shelf software product, designed and developed to be configurable so it can be embedded as the cornerstone of cyber security infrastructure for governments and corporations.
Customers trusting Intercede for secure digital identity include the US and UK governments and some of the world’s largest corporations, telecommunications providers and information technology partners.
For more information, please contact:
Lorraine Homer
Communication Director
+44 (0)1455 558111
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Where protecting systems and information really matters, you
will find Intercede. Whether its citizen
data, aerospace and defence systems, high-value financial transactions,
intellectual property or air traffic control, we are proud that many leading
organisations around the world choose Intercede solutions to protect themselves
against data breach, comply with regulations and ensure business continuity.