Intercede launches cloud service for derived PIV credentials
Following ratification of SP800-157 Intercede announces immediate availability of mobile credentialing solution
Following the ratification of special publication SP800-157, leading digital identity expert Intercede today announced that its cloud-based derived credential service is available to Federal agencies and enterprises. The MyID PIV-D evaluation program allows organizations to try the service and finalize their mobile requirements before implementing a full production solution.
Special publication SP800-157, in conjunction with the FIPS 201-2 standard, provides a framework for highly practical solutions to the issues that employees and contractors encounter on a regular basis. By using derived PIV credentials on mobile devices, Federal agencies and their supply chain have the opportunity to greatly enhance usability and access protected resources while maintaining the required level of security.
Using the technology independent MyID solution, it is easy to install derived mobile credentials alongside existing PIV smart card deployments regardless of which system was used to issue the original cards. MyID can also be consumed as a cloud service, which is especially advantageous for those agencies currently using a managed service to issue their PIV cards.
The system is highly flexible when it comes to mobile platforms; it can store keys securely in a wide range of different keystores to accommodate rapidly changing consumer technology and the variety of handsets used by employees. The provisioning process can be operator-led or carried out at a self-service kiosk, which is both convenient for users and reduces helpdesk calls for organizations.
Richard Parris, CEO of Intercede, commented: “The Federal workforce no longer needs to be tethered to agency desktops to ensure that they meet the highest security standards. By using MyID to issue derived PIV credentials, agencies can enjoy the productivity that comes along with mobility while still complying with FIPS 201-2.”
About Intercede
Intercede is a software company specializing in identity and credential management with a global team of experts located in the US and UK.
Intercede’s MyID software enables organizations to create and use trusted digital identities for employees, citizens and machines. This allows secure access to services, facilities, information and networks.
MyID meets the highest government standards yet is simple enough to be deployed onto consumer devices such as smartphones and tablets. Critically, MyID provides an easy, convenient and secure alternative to passwords.
Millions of identities are managed using MyID and Intercede has provided identity verification and management services to global customers for more than 20 years. MyID is a commercial-off-the-shelf software product, designed and developed to be configurable so it can be embedded as the cornerstone of cybersecurity infrastructure for governments and corporations.
Customers trusting Intercede for secure digital identity include the US and UK governments and some of the world’s largest corporations, telecommunications providers and information technology partners.
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